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Godzilla's Goji Berries

  • 16 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Name: Melinda
Company:  Lucid

This was my third retro board and it really set the standard for each of my later boards. This was the board that got me thinking outside of the “retro boxes”.

My Retros are themed and tend to act as an Ice Breaker all on their own.
The “business” part covers these areas:

Shout Outs
A fun section that changes each sprint
What can be improved
What went well
Discussion topics
Who’s out next sprint
Action Items

I also include a Visual Activity to allow the team to vote on the theme for the next sprint.  This helps to create unity and morale within the team.

View Only Link:
Godzilla's Goji Berries Retro Board


I love the theme of this board! It’s great! Thank you for sharing @Melinda F!

@Melinda F the thought of Godzilla snacking on goji berries absolutely warms my heart lol. I LOVE IT! Thank you for submitting!!
