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Linking from one element to another in a spark board

Related products: Lucidspark

Greetings folks! I'm working on a map of all of our internal documentation topics and want to be able to add a link from one element to another similar to an anchor link. Is this possible? If so how would one accomplish that?



Hi Aaron thanks for posting in the Lucidspark community! Unfortunately linking between elements in a board isn't currently supported at this time. However I certainly understand how a feature like that would be useful especially for internal documentation purposes. If you'd like to see this supported in the future would you mind adding any additional thoughts and details about your use case to this thread? I’ve converted this post into a feature request so that other users are able to discover and upvote it as well as add additional details. Our development team highly values user feedback when prioritizing improvements to the product and would love to hear yours! Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. 

@micah b101 thanks for the quick reply! 

Similar issue as Aaron S.

I am new to Lucid. I have just signed up with Lucidchart and Lucidspark.

I wish to create a whiteboard with representative objects of different aspects of my life and business all on one board. And from each object I would like to link specific data about that object whether it be my house (address insurance maintenance) or business (clients to do list websites etc.) Basically one massive board that I could track and link to data. 

Under a header card entitled vehicles for instance I wish to have an object for each of my vehicles. I would like to be able to click on the object and it would give me pertinent data (which I would have previously created). Is that possible in Lucidspark? Do I create the data in Notes or Sticky Notes and link it to the data? I see linking but of course that goes to a web page. Can I link outside info? Or can this only be done with Lucidchart? Thank you for thoughts and ideas. 

Hey Peter thanks for continuing this thread! What an interesting use case! While I do believe Lucidchart's more robust data linking abilities (detailed more below) will suit your needs best I do have several ideas for Lucidspark. 

In Lucidspark you can upload your data in CSV or TXT file form to be automatically converted into sticky notes. For example this might be specific information about each of your vehicles - make and model maintenance record registration info. You can find step by step instructions and an example of this in our Convert Ideas to Sticky Notes article. This will generate a sticky note for each item which you can then organize using Containers - for example one container per vehicle. Finally you can group all containers for your broadest category (Vehicles) in a Frame. Your end result will be similar to the example below:


The Frame functionality will then allow you to build and utilize a Table of Contents for additional organization and navigation of all your documentation.


Alternatively you can create a Breakout Board for each category you're wanting to document; the Breakout Board will serve as a "page" or "tab" of your Lucidspark board to keep things organized.


Finally you can embed external information into your board by copying and pasting the URL onto the board which will generate a clickable thumbnail for easy access. This may be helpful for files or relevant links - learn more here! For example below I've pasted a link to a folder within my Google Drive.


Ultimately, however, linking to other objects within the board is still not supported but our development team would love to hear more detail about your use case in this thread.

In Lucidchart you would enjoy the ability to upload any data in the form of a CSV Excel file or Google Sheet to your Lucidchart document using Data Linking which you could then freely visualize using any shapes necessary. This also allows for more complex data to be uploaded and if using Google Sheets to be dynamically updated. Lucidchart's Actions and Links options will also allow you to turn objects into clickable buttons which you can use to link to another page or Lucidchart document or to reveal an additional level of information in a Layer


The Layer tool would allow for what you're describing when you mention "I would like to be able to click on the object and it would give me pertinent data". Alternatively a simpler solution would be to add additional information about your object in simple text in a Note which remains attached to the object and opens when clicked. 

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions about any of the functionality linked above. 

2023 and still no support for this. Please prioritise!

Hey Michael

Thank you for keeping this conversation going! The best way to connect with our dev team is to add details about your use case and what you’d like to see in this experience in this thread. We will continue to advocate for this as well.

Thanks so much for reaching out and giving us the opportunity to make Lucidchart better for you and your work!

Yes please keep on working on this. This will be really useful

2024 and still no support for basic hyperlinks, let alone deep linking.

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Yes please add basic linking at least. In miro and onenote this is bread and butter type stuff. Was very enthusiastic about lucid spark until I just realised that I cannot even hyperlink between parts of the same whiteboard. This forces me to have elaborate and ugly workarounds. Pls add this to the top of your list? Until then I am forced to reconsider how I use lucid spark, it will be much reduced compared to my initial plan. Our company just standardised on lucid spark (in favour of Miro) but this takes the wind out the sails I must say.



Thanks for adding your feedback as well, our team is looking at this and recently introduced a first step into getting this functionality fully in place. Currently you can share a link to any frame on your Lucidspark board and paste that link onto any object or text to then navigate to that part of the board, similar to what Miro and OneNote does. We hope this presents some viable workarounds for you while we get this functionality to exist for all objects on the canvas. Hope this helps

Generating share link for frame
Pasting link onto other object of the canvas


Ahh I see. The bit I missed was the pasting it onto an object. I tried to paste it onto the naked board which did not work. Yes this does help as an interim measure, but a full feature would still be super useful. Sometimes a frame can be quite large with loads of detail in it...

Glad to hear it is prioritised and impressive response time!

It’s actually already possible to link to just a specific view or selection on the canvas (not just a frame)!

The trick is to select or pan to the area you want to link to, open the share panel to grab its link (make sure “link to current selection/view” is selected), and then paste onto the shape you want to use as a “button” or paste on to some specific text. 

Linking to a specific selection on canvas
Grabbing the link to a specific view

We know it’s currently not very discoverable how one might do this, but please know that this functionality is very much on our mind to polish and make more intuitive. Please try it out and don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any additional feedback!

Brilliant - thanks!

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IdeaFuture Consideration

Thank you all for the feedback. We appreciate all the feedback and different ideas. Please continue to leave feedback as it well help us refine this feature! 

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