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Is there a private collaboration mode in Lucidspark?

We are recently moving from Mural to Lucid; using mural to run retrospectives and brainstorming sessions there was a sort of "private mode" option that prevented collaborators from seeing what other ppl were adding to the board to avoid groupthink. Is there a similar feature in Lucid? I've tried looking through the follow and request options but don't quite see an option to prevent that.

Hi there

Thank you for posting your question in the Lucid Community! What you are describing is not a supported feature. However we’re always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Please share your idea with our development team through our Product Feedback section. Ideas submitted are passed on to the product development team for their consideration and are highly valued when prioritizing improvements to the product.

A workaround that I recommend is to utilize Lucidspark's Breakout Boards. Breakout Boards are a sub-space within the main board where separate work or private brainstorming can occur and then be transferred onto the main board.

Main Board View:


This is not a perfect substitution but may be able to help facilitate small group or individual brainstorming sessions. Breakout Boards are a great tool to create a bit of privacy for an initial brainstorm session before bringing the team back together to share ideas.

Inside Group 1:



You can learn more about Breakout Boards in this Help Center article.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

We are considering moving from Mural to Lucidspark as well but this feature is a show stopper for us.  Is there any update on when this might be added to the Lucidspark functionality?  Is there a place to "vote up" future feature requests?  

Hi Megan thanks for continuing this thread. Voicing your support for this capability here is the best way to let our development team know this is a priority for you and I've logged your feedback for their review! If you'd like to share more about your specific use case and how a private collaboration mode would be useful to you we'd also welcome those details via the Product Feedback section linked in Addie's response above. 

If you've not already I would also recommend reviewing Lucidspark's Guest Collaborator abilities. While this doesn't prevent collaborators from seeing what others are adding it does anonymize other collaborators so specific ideas or contributions won't be associated with a particular colleague. 

Our company is also looking to move from Mural to Lucid.... and private mode would be one of our key requirements.   Please prioritize this feature specifically for whiteboards.

Hi Craig thanks for continuing this thread. Please add your support for this feature by posting in our Product Feedback section. Ideas submitted passed on to the product development team for their consideration and are highly valued when prioritizing improvements to the product. 
As Micah mentioned above feel free to check out the Guest Collaborator abilities until future updates are made. We appreciate your involvement in improving our product! 

Hi! I’m Abby from Lucid, jumping in here to share with those interested in this feature request for running retrospectives about Lucid’s Agile Trusted User Group. This group is made up of passionate, experienced users who regularly use agile methodologies in their work. As part of this group, you’ll have the opportunity to connect directly with Lucid’s product team and share insights about your workflows, pain points, and needs, shaping the future of Lucid’s agile tools. 🎉 You can learn more and apply here.


I wanted to share an exciting update with you: private mode for brainstorming is now live in Lucidspark! Private mode hides the authors and content of sticky notes until a brainstorming session has ended. Users will have the option to reveal sticky note authors or keep ideas private. To learn more about this feature, check out the Brainstorm with private mode in Lucidspark article from the Lucid Help Center and this community post!
