Is it possible to import/export intelligent mind maps as a plain text outline using tabs to represent levels?
Hi Neil thanks for your question! Unfortunately this isn't currently supported in Lucidspark. However this sounds like an interesting idea and we highly value user feedback. If you're willing to share more about your use case and what you'd like to see in this experience we'd love to hear more in this thread!
Within some mind mapping tools or within Word you can create an outlne based on tabs or spaces. For example:
- Node 1
- Node 2
- Node 3
- Node 4
- Node 5
- Node 6
This is really quick to create and is also a very 'open' structure for representation of a hierarchy.
Alternatively for spreadsheet type structure you could use columns to represent the indentation. For example
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 5
This would mean that the data is easy to transfer in and out of the chart for example into Tree Testing suites for usability studies.
Actually I noticed in LucidChart using Site Map tools there is actually a similar representation of an outline.
Hi Neil, thanks for taking the time to detail this out and share those examples - super helpful! I see the outline you're describing with the sitemap tool too and unfortunately, exporting that outline isn't possible either, nor is this kind of notation included in the CSV export data as you asked about here. Apologies that there's not a better solution at this time - we are so grateful for your feedback!
+1 as well
This is functionality that I made use of quite a bit in the FreeMind mind mapping application.
Thanks for contributing to this thread
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