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Dear community,

I have the following use case: One “legend entry” (just one form on the org chart), the associated conditional formatting and the associated hotspot for toggling it on / off, should only be visible for some employees. I understand that it would generally be possible to create two versions of the same base org chart. However, even when hiding the layer in the interface, all objects from all layers are visible on the version in the Notion embed.

Thus, I wonder if there is any other workaround for actually “hiding” shapes / conditional formatting from some users, or whether I would need to create separate files?

Many thanks!

Hi @luciduser_1234, thanks for this post! Two points I’d like to share with you:

  1. In general, you can configure the visibility of layers within your document, then apply it to any downloaded, printed, or published versions of that document by clicking “Sync visibility” within the layers menu. Note that this applies to all viewers of the document. 
  1. I believe the workaround you mentioned - separate files with corresponding levels of detail for different audiences - is the best way forward. When embedding in Notion (or publishing or sharing otherwise), it’s not possible for Lucid to determine who should see what within your document and display a different version. Perhaps another alternative could be to add this separate, additional detail to another document, assign the corresponding permissions to those who you want to have access, and then link to this additional document from the main, published original. 

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have additional questions. 

Thank you @Micah! One follow-up question: Is it possible to configure the access rights so that one page in a Lucid Document can only be viewed by certain employees with the right access rights?

@luciduser_1234 Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, this isn’t possible either. Your use case sounds very interesting, though, and I can understand how these more granular permissions would be useful. I’ve gone ahead and converted this post into an idea in our Product Feedback space so others have visibility into this request and can upvote it! Thanks again for taking the time to share - let me know what else I can do to support your work. 

Thanks @Micah