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Desktop App for Lucid Chart

I have seen many people asking here and in other forums about Lucid Chart and a desktop app version.  So far the responses have been but its browser based and therefore not needed. 

No.  That's incorrect.  

People who use softwares tend to like having a clickable icon on the desktop of their computers - and secondly not have a cluttered environment with other distractions such as opened tabs pinging messages and popups and updates also distracting the user experience. 

There are many BROWSER BASED platforms but they also have a dedicated desktop app that looks and feels like using offline software. 

The user experience is much much cleaner as well. 

Can Lucid just get their head around the concept that many want a dedicated desktop experience that can integrate into eg. google drive drop box or local machine?  But sure have the functions interact with the web - 

These are pretty much browsers in their own right - but for the points above - mentioned eg. clutter free dedicated etc - thats all you need.

Look at your competitors or other software's e.g.. Miro has a desktop app.  so do many others.

Agreed.  I came here looking for a desktop version.

There used to be a desktop version years ago.  I didn't run well.   I guess they abandoned the idea.  

100% agree - must have. My browser windows are already overloaded with tabs so I do not want one more tab for what feels like a separate app

I am a big fan of creating web app through chrome(or Edge) so I installed Lucichart as an app.

I have expected it will behave like a native app which likes many other website apps I have created (evernote slack etc). 
However when I open a document from the Lucichart web app it jumps back to the browser deeming the web app useless. If this issue can be solved I won't require a native app at all.

use Vivaldi browser and then right click on the tab - it checks for desktop apps or will create a clean looking desktop app looking browser window for you to work in.  Amazing feature on the browser which is chromium based and runs a treat with extensions from edge and playstore.  As for LC - have moved on to bigger and brighter pastures.

I also have to adhere to regulations prohibiting cloud based applications and storage of sensitive diagrams.  I would need a local client version to use Lucid.  I will be in an air-gapped environment for those efforts.

Lucid is slowing down our machines so much that it becomes impossible to use. Many colleagues who are on older machines (we're a public sector org) are really struggling. Desktop app would help. Browser based is unwieldy.

Hey there thank you all for posting in the Lucid community! Our sincere apologies for the delayed response on this thread - I wanted to follow up in case this answer may still be useful to you and to provide a solution for other users who see this thread in the future.

Thank you for your request for a desktop version and for sharing additional context about why this is important to you! We're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to keep developing a useful and effective product. I've gone ahead and submitted your idea to our product team on your behalf and it will be taken into consideration when prioritizing improvements.

For anyone else with a similar request: Please make sure to upvote this idea. We would also love to hear additional detail about your use case or see an example of what you're hoping to achieve in the thread below. Additionally if you've discovered a workaround to achieve something similar in the meantime we'd love to hear about it! Thanks for your request!

Love lucidchart


but definitely would love this to be a standalone desktop application as well.


hope the team is still working towards this 

RHK - USE Vivaldi browser

You can create a nice desktop app.

See file or menu and it's there - I don't have at moment but it's a beaut feature and you'll.get a desktop icon start menu or whatever and a nice clean working window

Like many others I too landed here in search of a desktop app for Lucid. 
I use Miro desktop app its quite useful when you want to do few creative stuff on these platforms and have no distractions. 

A big YES for the need of a desktop app.  Would love to use Lucid on the desktop app for mac. Waiting to shift to the app from using on web browser.

Hi @krishna chethan v and others on this thread thank you for continuing this post and sharing your feedback. I have logged your request with our development team.

If you or any other users have additional details you'd like to add about this request please feel free to comment here and our team will share this with the developers for their consideration. Let us know if you have any questions!

LC is a great tool, but not having a desktop app for Mac? Without any sign of this being seriously considered, I cannot see how I would use this as a solution long-term for either personal or professional needs.

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