allow folders to be moved into team folder

Related products: Lucidchart

We use Team Folders to organize our documents. We are consolidating into a main Team Folder and people have folders with diagrams they want to move into the Team Folder. However per the Team Folder documentation this action is restricted to only Team Admins and Account Admins. Can this function be allowed for all users with Edit or higher permissions on the destination Team Folder?
“Only admins can move folders into a team folder. If you are not an admin and you need to move a folder into a team folder, share the folder with the account's admin and ask them to move it into the team folder.”

Hi Nick! Thanks for the feedback! You are correct, only admins can move folders into a Team Folder. However, we are currently working on new functionality to improve the overall team experience in Lucid, so stay tuned, as this will likely solve your use case. 😄