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I would like to join the squares and circles on my maps with zigzag lines.  Is this possible?  I need the ability to change the colour and width of the zigzag.  If it could be a flexible bendy zigzag so much the better.  And I need to make it all different lengths as well.  Thanks.


Hi Karen 

Thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately our product doesn't currently support zigzag lines. However you are able to adjust the color and width of your lines. You might find our Add and style lines in Lucidchart help center article useful. 

We encourage anyone else who’s interested in this to upvote this post and share any additional details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. For more information about how we manage feedback in this community, please take a look at this post:

Hello there!

Does LucidChart supports zigzag lines now? Apart from assembling the sonic signals from the piping library


Hi @mtouil thanks for continuing this thread! Unfortunately this isn't an option we currently have. Thank you for adding your request onto this thread!