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SSO SAML uses info in email, username, either or both?

  • 12 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi Lucid Community,

I have a couple of questions regarding SSO SAML and Lucid user profile.  The Lucid user profile has username and email address which both all\support email address information.  

  • Would anyone be able to confirm what field on a Lucid user profile is referenced\used by SSO? 
  • What happens if a Lucid user profile has different information with respect to email address in the username and Email fields?


Thank you,


Hi Jen!

You can pass first name, last name, email, and username in a SAML assertion to Lucid. 

nameID maps to username

SAML Attribute statement mappings:

Value Name

Accepted naming convention  OID naming convention 
email   urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 
first name user.firstname  urn:oid: 
last name user.lastname



Email and Username can different values, we prefer working an email in both values if possible, but can accept other values for username. Additional information can be found in our SAML Overview article in the Help Center! 
