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Today I logged into Lucid and found that there is a new Team Space UI available. 
However the team I had originally setup a team space for, is not visible anywhere and there is no teams setup in the new looking team space area.

I was the only team in my company to trial the new team space while it was in beta.

Now it appears that all of my teams documents and folders are nowhere to be found!

@josh_at_qoria If you navigate to the My teams page, is the team missing?

@josh_at_qoria sorry this happened. We are still investigating why this has occurred. In the mean time, we believe we have found the missing folder. Please let us know if this link brings you to the right spot.

Yes when I navigate to the new look My teams page there are no teams there for my organisation. My team is not there. is not the correct folder. This is for SRE who I have led in the past, however my current team that is missing is Identity.

I had previously migrated from a folder such as this (many months ago) as I was trialing the new “Convert to Team” feature. This migrated all my boards and files over to the new “Team documents” area, which used to be accessible at the top of this navigation tree here: 

Since the update that now shows the team in a separate area, my team and my folders and files appear to be missing.


I have noticed that 2 files have been restored, into My Documents, from a former employee. I am not sure if this was from an action on your side. But this is not the full collection of files and folders that is missing unfortunately.

Hi - I can register a separate conversation / ticket - but we are affected by this issue also. A few of our users are reporting the same problem with Team space folders disappearing after the update. Documents seem to be searchable to some extent, but the folder structure has disappeared. Please advise.

Update - I don’t believe that things were deleted, just that our team folder permissions may not match the previous access. One of our team members who did still have access was able to add permissions to restore access that existed pre-update. Not sure of the delta so it may be a while before we have it fully resolved. ymmv

Thanks for the details @josh_at_qoria . We are continuing the investigation, and will keep you posted

Hey @LucidUserCurtis could you register your message as a separate conversation. I believe it is different that what Josh is experiencing. Thank you!


Any update on this issue?

Hi @josh_at_qoria sorry this is taking some time, but no updates yet. We have several engineers investigating the issue however, and I will let you know as soon as possible.

Do you know if you were the original owner of the Team Folder before you went through the conversion flow to make it a Team Space?


I am not sure. The original folder is likely to have been there before I started adding files and folders to it.

Hi @josh_at_qoria, thanks for your response. We have moved your case to a support ticket and will follow up via email shortly.

Hey @josh_at_qoria . Good news, we have a route for you to regain access.

The good news is that none of the documents have been deleted or removed, you were simply removed from the repository that held a lot of the documents on it. Aka the team still exist you are just not a member - this occurred through some migration logic we implemented.

To regain access you will need to request that someone add you to the team Identity Workspace via email/slack or whatever communication tool your company uses. 

Please let me know if this helps! Thank you for your patience
