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The holidays are a great time for interactive and engaging lesson plans. We offer a Holiday Toolkit with multiple activities and templates for your students to use. We would love to hear how you might use these in your classroom! 

We would also love to see examples of how you have used Lucid to create your own holiday activities. Comment below to share your ideas!

Happy Holidays!


I teach elementary and it snowed last weekend, so it was a perfect opportunity to bring winter into our connections unit.  I used the winter matching template.  My kids had so much fun and I was able to quickly look through their answers in the data section of the visual activity.


I love many of these templates, but the one that has me thinking most is Yearly Resolutions. I often do a One Word activity, and I was thinking that I could combine that idea with the Yearly Resolutions template. At the top, in the “this year I will...” box, students can create their One Word graphic. Then, they can lay out individual markers and goals by month that align with their one word selection. At the end of each month, I could have students return to their Lucidspark activity to leave a reflective note sharing if they accomplished the goals they had set for the month and revisiting what they had laid out for the month ahead.

@Stacey R I love that idea! Please update us after you do the activity - I’d love to see how it goes!

I love the exploring different holiday activity. In my class there isn’t a predominantly celebrated holiday as the school is so diverse. I’d do a twist on that where we can talk about different attributes/components of the holidays and see where our traditions overlap and where they’re different. More of a double bubble map than separate boxes. That way whether we’re doing research about a holiday or students are sharing about how they practice we can see that even with our differences, we’re all very similar. 

@Shira M Using a double bubble map to showcase similarities is a great idea, thank you for sharing! 

I was excited to try the writing prompt with my students.  I was able to make a forced copy for my 2nd graders 

and even my younger students were able to complete the activity.  And, now that they know how to use Lucid, I can change the prompt and they can do a different writing.  Cool activity!


As I check off my holiday gift list I thought this template would be fun for both morning meetings and faculty meetings during the holiday season.


Holiday Gifts: Treasure, Trade, or Trash Template


I love the solve a mystery tool kit idea.  So I made a Buddy the Elf math escape type room and it has been a huge hit for several years now.  It took a bit of work to get it figured out but it has been invaluable since.

Keeping students engaged during holidays can make a huge difference in their learning journey. Creative activities also help educators balance tasks like PGCE written assignments effectively.
