How to create a chart or map of the relationship between classes in a school?
I have searched the Help and Community but not figured out how to do this, so I’m hoping someone ‘out there’ can provide some insight.
We are a K-12 school and would like to automate the creation of a graphical representation of our course/class offerings. We have a spreadsheet that contains information about every class, including subject, sub-subject, level, type, etc. and want to explore using Lucidchart to visualize it. Ideally, we’d be able to have different views, say one for our Middle School, another for the Upper School, and show it by grade-level, or course level. We want to show the relationship between classes (as in, prerequisites, and natural progression of courses).
How can we do this?
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Hey Jonathan! I’m trying to visualize exactly what you hope to produce, but one thing you might explore is Smart Containers in Lucidchart! It gives you multiple ways to change the view of your spreadsheet data by lumping it into whichever category you’re wanting to see. There’s a great article on it here!
I’m also looking forward to seeing how others would do it!
Hey @Jonathan King ! Thanks for posting! I totally agree with Brandy that Smart Containers would be a really great option for this. If you’re looking for something more flowchart-y though, you might be able to work something out with our org chart import function.
I put together a small example to show you some of the possibilities. The cool thing is that if you could organize your existing spreadsheet in a way that Lucidchart could read it properly, it would be totally automated for the most part.
So here is the spreadsheet I created for the example:
I then imported this into Lucidchart using the Org chart import function, which you can learn more about here.
For the import settings, I did the following:
Identify supervisor by name (not ID number)
Employee ID = Class
Supervisor ID = Prerequisite
After my import, I set up some conditional formatting to differentiate class type (and just make it a little prettier to look at), and this is the end result:
Another cool thing you can do with this is filter it by whatever you want. In the example below, I filtered by level to show only 9th grade classes:
I hope this helps give you some possibilities as you play around with Lucidchart for your use case. Please let me know if you have any questions about what I did, or if there is anything specific you need help creating! If you can share, I’d also love to see what you’re able to come up with!
Thank you! I definitely want the lines of an Org Chart. Questions:
Is it possible to have multiple prerequisites, and therefore multiple lines?
Is it possible to show multiple classes that satisfy the same graduation requirement in some way?
@Jonathan King When importing an org chart, it’s not possible to have multiple lines reporting upward (so with this use case, you wouldn’t be able to import data to create multiple prerequisites). But as an alternative, you can add lines after the fact as shown in the example below:
For showing that multiple classes can fulfill the same requirement, that’s kind of what I was trying to so with the AP Psychology and US Government classes. I added a few examples to show it across multiple grade levels in the social studies category:
Org charts aren’t 100% customizable due to how they read the imported data, and a flowchart would allow you more flexibility, but if you’re looking for a mostly automated solution, I think org charts are the best option to avoid as much manual work as possible.