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This article will show users from EURO or APAC regions how to activate their Lucid license through Canvas if there institution has selected to use an email as their authentication method.  Start by watching this video walkthrough or follow he steps listed below.


#1 Navigate to Canvas and click - Lucid (whiteboard)


#2 Click Log in


#3 Click Next


#4 Click on the email provider for your institution


#5 Navigate to your email inbox on another tab and open the verification email from Lucid



#6 Click the blue Verify email button


#7 Input your Full name, create a password, and click Sign up free



#8 This will redirect you to your Lucid dashboard.  Now, return to your Canvas tab and refresh your browser



#9 Click Connect to Lucid


#10 Click Get started 


#11 Click Grant Access


Your Lucid account is now set up and connected to Canvas.  Moving forward, simply click on the blue Explore Lucid to access your Lucid Dashboard.



If you accidentally click Sign up instead of Login you can still create your Lucid account, but the process is a little different.


Click RegisterAD_4nXdE8qDuRonMLriqjYmqlnWHIiJOpang6PEndXB_qvFbqccCRa3PQ1XxsK1eCt0PzCVqZ0ssB2v5cguquhu0nkqjuT23s08f8gQsp6S8RDnvSso7JkeUd94q51tU3QaoA6vyns2guedI2GQRt04-dPRoDQ0n?key=vM9rpU9fFFkMeNKOiZaR-YLy


Because your email domain is linked to your institution, you will get the following pop-up.  Click sign up here.



Now, follow steps 2-10 in the instructions above.


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