This article will walk you through how to copy or duplicate Lucid assignments from one course to another.
To copy an entire course, navigate to Course Settings in the left sidebar of the current course and select Copy this Course.
Note: Copied courses do not include any enrolled users.
Copy one assignment to another course
How to copy a specific assignment to a different existing course
Assignments copied from one course to another will be added to a section called Imported Assignments
A couple limitations to be aware of:
- Copying/duplicating a Lucid assignments within the same course is not supported.
- Any Lucid content embedded into an assignment or page using the RCE will not work if copied or duplicated.
- Keep in mind, if you copy a Lucid Canvas assignment from Course A to Course B, you will need to open the Lucid Canvas assignment in Course B before you would be able to copy the assignment from Course B into Course C.