Hello Debbie @olguinmke,
So, about using Lucid as both a teacher and a student in Canvas – you got it right! You're correct in observing that the Lucid link within Canvas typically connects to a single Lucid account tied to your Canvas email. This means you'll be operating within one Lucid environment, but its behavior will adapt to your role in each specific Canvas course. (See more about utilizing Canvas: https://lucidforeducation.com/integrations/canvas)
As an instructor, you'll have the tools to create assignments, embed documents with specific access settings, and manage student submissions. Conversely, as a student, you'll primarily interact with assignments and documents provided by the instructor, focusing on creating and submitting your own work. The key takeaway is that your access to Lucid documents and features is governed by your Canvas role in each course. An instructor's access is broad, while a student's access is tailored to assignment requirements and instructor-set permissions.
Therefore, even though you're using a single Lucid account, you might have different access to documents based on your role in the course. It's crucial to understand the concept of "owning a Lucid document," meaning you are the primary creator with full control, including editing, sharing, and managing access.
In your training, demonstrate how the Lucid interface and options change based on the Canvas role, emphasizing the importance of setting appropriate access permissions for shared documents. This will help your instructors understand how Lucid seamlessly integrates with Canvas and adapts to their specific needs, allowing them to effectively utilize the platform for both teaching and learning.
Let us know if you have any other questions pop up!
Thank you very much for this detailed and quick response. Much appreciated!