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MENTOR MONDAY:Ā When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher in my heart. I didnā€™t go with that career path initially, but I found my way there!

Friends say I am very creative and should put to use my talent. Anyway - some changes afterwards hence ended up in customer service/experience. I can still apply my creativity though in this industry which is still a win for me. :)

When I was younger, I wanted to be an artist. While I didnā€™t stick closely to that plan, I host painting nights with my friends relatively often and find little projects to keep the artist in me happy!

I donā€™t recall what I wanted to be when I was younger. Based on some of the halloween costumes in old family photos, it would appear I wanted to be a Native American or an animal of sorts.

I was one of those kids that really loved animals, so I was on the veterinarian train for awhile. That is, until I realized that vets had to give animals shots (!!!) and I was terrified of needles, so that dream quickly dissipated! šŸ¤£

I was my dreamĀ to be the commanding officer of the Federation starship USSĀ Enterprise, alongside Jean-Luc Picard....floating around in space at warp exploreĀ strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly goĀ where no man has gone before!

It seemed very exciting (and real) to me at the time.

Of all things, I wanted to be a librarian! I was a definite bookworm by age 7.

I really wanted to work in a zoo. I always loved animals and thought that would be a lovely job. Sadly the weather here in the UK is never that great, so would have been a lot of time outside in the rain.Ā 

I have kindergartenĀ pictures of me dressed up for career day as a pediatrician. <3Ā 

I wanted to be an Artist especially because I liked music but I couldnā€™t sing well then, but the cheering of fans, the fame, the lifestyle all appealed to me as I watched my favorite Artists in concerts and other platforms.

When playing ā€œworkā€ as a child, with a younger brother and sister, I was always the boss, didnā€™t matter what type of company, just needed to be the boss. My poor siblingsĀ šŸ˜…
